Saturday, July 23, 2011

Hwo can i rearrange my nards?

I bought a nard collection on ebay.... i got a deluxe nard and two supreme nards but they are arranged wrong what can i do... ps hit me up on myspace

Mixing CD.. Rearranged the order on me?

I just burned a mix cd and it rearranged everything so that it is in alphabetical order. How can I burn this cd without it changing the order I initially wanted it in?

Evaluate the limit. limit x-->0+ (tan(6x))^x?

You are completely right--the limit is 1 because the limit of the ln is 0. I get a little lost trying to work it out, but that's right. If you choose a very small number (say .001) and put it into the original problem, you get an answer close to 1.

About " Happy Monthsary " I've got a simple question about it. I just don't know when can I start [Read more]?

I am sure by recent she means the day you got back together this year. If you were single for 2 years, then whatever happened before doesn't count.

Why do I resent my stepson?

He is nearly 16 and has lived with me and his dad for 5 years. Used to get on great with me and my three kids (9, 13 and 18-we all live together), but now I almost feel hate for him. His dad would do anything for him and he has always been spoilt but not had any social upbringing to speak of from mum(she had the party girl lifestyle and left my partner and his son(then 11) for a younger man, we met soon after). He has no manners. no respect for me or his father(or anyone except strangely his mum). Access has always been difficult, my children have arrangements to see their father that we all stick to so everyone knows what the plans are. SS does whatever he likes and dissappears as soon as mum decides she wants to spend time with him. SS doesn't tell us, he just goes for 3 or 4 days at a time, often missing school. To me this is unnacceptable, their are other children here and we need a family routine. He is backward in social enviroments, untidy (leaves the toilet in a disgusting mess which I hate-despite being constantly reminded). He is very materialistic and demanding and very immature. Mum calls all the shots, but she refuses to help financially or stick to any arrangments, If I bring up these issues with partner, he says shes his mum, he wants his son to be happy and that I'm just nagging. He sayswhat do you expect me to do and that his son will always come first. I resent SS and feel sick when I come home and he's here. I have brought up three of my own children with boundaries and guidelines and I'm proud of them, they have been thru a messy divorce but are settled, happy and well adjusted. Partner dismisses probs, cleans up after him, rearranges plans and gives in to him all the time. How can I be more forgiving, I've tried everything but feel like I'm up against the pair of them (plus the mum)! Any constructive advice welcome, being a mum is the hardest job, I've done it for 18 yrs and just need some help, these negative feelings toward him are making me miserable!

I had a crazy dream last night?

I had a dream about my work.I work at mcdonalds as a swing manager.anyway my dream: so everyhour for work we have a goal to do more than 100 cars in an hour.well as me running the store I didn't succeed the 100 car count for the lunch hour.well the next day when my boss came in she seen the results and wasn't to happy.well she pulls a rattle snake out of her purse than she starts chasing me with through the store.then after she caught me finally she chopped the snake up and made me eat it.then she made run outside saying I love snakes while doing this she makes run nude with no clothes on.what does this dream mean?I get along with my boss very well

Do i have the right to be angry with my friend ? or am i being unreasonable ?

Basically, my *BEST* friend has just turned 16 and for her birthday (a month on) her other friend is throwing her a MASSIVE party on a beach in the countryside. of course my friend was told about this and has been part of some of the arrangements because she had to be available on the day- so its not a surprise party or anything. She told me it might be happening (as nothing was sure) two days ago and the date. The date is a random day in the summer holidays, so plenty of other available dates, and I told her i couldn't come on that day- so she said she'd look into changing it with the organiser. I know that sounds like im over-controlling, but she is my best friends and i would never have a party like that without her if there were other days around that time we could both do. Infact i was organising a party the other day and i had to keep rearranging the date because she was busy on SO many days. Im so annoyed with her now, because its become and official event on facebook and the whole year and others already invited and confiming/not confirming etc. I am assuming she has discussed it with the organiser since then as she wasnt sure of the date two days ago- yet no date has changed. she came to my house last night as her parents were out, and she mentioned it not once to me! she was even with me this morning and i actually feel slightly betrayed as if shes gone behind my back- which obviosuly i know is a slight overreaction. Well, I saw her begging someone who shes not brilliant friends with to come, and they said theyd maked changes to arrangements- but she didnt seem to care at all that her best friend wouldnt be there. So, i rang her now and she actually found the whole thing quite funny and was just laughing off sorry to me. It actually really matters to me that she made no effort to change it and doesnt even seem to care now. i know its so trivial- but do you think im over reacting ? (its a huge beach party and so many people are going.)

Airplane questions easy 10 pts?

If it's liquid makeup it needs to stay under the 3.4 ounce rule, mascara needs to be a mini travel size which is 3 ounces or under. What kind of bag you put it in doesn't matter. Only medicines need to be together in a specific bag. As far as contact lenses, unless they are prescribed by your doctor with a note, the solution still needs to be under the 3 ounce rule. The contact lenses will be fine, but your contact solution still needs to be in a 3 ounce container. Same goes for the facial cleanser, 3 ounces max. Again with the lotion, as long as it's 3 ounces or under and it's not prescribed medicinal lotion, it doesn't matter where you keep it. Makeup removing towelettes aren't considered medicine, so I'd say keep them with the rest of your makeup. They will check your purse, they'll check everything through a strict x-ray scanner, then search item by item if something suspicious is suspected. Hope this helps!

What could it be that keeps terrorizing me?

My things are disappearing then reappearing either back in the same place 20 minutes to a day later or end up in a completely different room. I zipped up the pocket in my purse, 5 minutes later I get back in my purse and it is unzipped again, I zip it back and the same thing happens. Some times I will see black shadows moving quickly around my feet but there is nothing around that could have made those shadows. Some on said it could be ghost but to me that is strange. the shadows are no bigger than a fat cat. Not mention the shadows are black. I use to wake up in my room to a white shadow sitting at the end of my bed watching me sleep. Mom said it was my guardian angel. I still see it time to time just not as often. what are these strange black shadows and why does all my stuff get moved, especially things that I just put down by me, they some how end up in another room when I haven't moved at all from that room. Can you tell me or am am just getting more paranoid or losing my mind. I don't know what to think any more.

Where can i get more infos on mango farming technology?

If you are interested in nature taste mangoes produced, pl. visit Homeopathy/ Plant Doctor/ there are so many articles in organic farming methods, no usage of pesticide, fertilizers, specifically not one crop practicing, almost same way for all crops. Are you produce organic mangoes, your product always best selling in your city/ country

Why does my co-worker look at poor people with dirty looks?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

Freelance courier in UK info?

If you become self-employed you need to register with HMRC. You will also need Goods in Transit insurance, but most of all and the hardest one to obtain is CUSTOMERS!

I need some infos about the cleric calling in Rift? Cleric wearing same armor in all roles?

Honestly, I can’t hide any longer my enthusiasm in playing Rift. That is why as much as possible I need lots of information about the class system in Rift especially the clerics calling. Is it really true that clerics are wearing the same armor or gears in all of their roles?

New Jersey vs. T.L.O. 4th Amendment?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

I have problem i cant type farsi in my web builder,i used to be able to type farsi then i started to install c?

i have problem i cant type farsi in my web builder,i used to be able to type farsi then i started to install cople of im not able...i uninstall and re installed web builder many times...but i still have a problem...i tried to install web builder in another computer and it wored fine do you know how can i remove all of the items related my web builder..cause i dont want to re install windows ....but seems like i have to remove all of the infos related to my web builder...may be in registry files .but i dont know which file should i remove exactly in rgistry thanks for help

My live-in boyfriend takes money from my purse?

My boyfriend takes money from my wallet or purse often. He says he needed it for coffee or cigarettes (which he's supposte to have quit 3 years ago) I mean he would take $5 or $10 out my purse everyday if I had it in there. I have my own bank account so that where money is but don't we all like cash on hand for yardsales or whatnot? I've explained that its stealing when he does this but he says ill pay you back. And wheb he gets paid hell give me money back but still isn't it wrong or am I crazy? I mean last nite, I had enuff for my daughters daycare and to get milk. When I woke up I notice only enuff for daycare he had taken $5bucks. He did text n tell me hell have it back today or tmrw but I'm still mad. I needed it to buy milk for the household. He knew it so why did he take it? I mean should I just start takin money from his wallet or whatnot? Do u think he'd finally get the picture or...?

What is my job called?

Ok I know the title is kinda stupid but my friend asked me what my the name of my job was (like people that help animals are called vets). I work in the middle of the aisle at a mall selling purses and cell phone covers. I didn't know really what to call it except the "annoying-the-crap-out-of-someone job" Would it be called Kiosk Person or what?

Will my mom get mad at me for spending the money?

well theres this adorable hello kitty purse at this store it's the hello kitty embossed bag and my best friend and i have been saving money together to get us some nice purses ^_^ but mine cost 86 dollars and i really dont mind because i did chores and earned the money i just feel like my mom will get mad at me for getting the bag. its a gourgous bag and i have wanted it im just so on the line about buying the bag. i feel like she will get mad at me for "waisting her money" should i get it? please give a good answer. no dumb answers not in the mood thanks for the help :)

I need a lot of harmless, but hilarious pranks?

Alright, so I work at a preschool, and me and this other preschool teacher have a friendly rivalry going on, where we prank each other. It is during the day, at the preschool, and I need some SUPER FUNNY pranks. So far i have, i put her purse in the fridge and put ketchup on the back of the fridge handle so when she opened it she got ketchup all over her hands, and one time i got a glass of water and a cup of glitter and went up the stairs over an edge so when she walked under it, I dumped it on her, when she came back from her break. Stuff like that. Not night time sleepver pranks, no dirty pranks, and no hurtful pranks. :)

Is kalmars rift guide any good?

Hi, I just started with rift game from trion... I was browsing around for some good infos about souls builds, and found kalmars rift guide at Any feedback about this guide? Is there a map guide? still new at rift here, is there some kind of beginner's tutorial?

Cancelling on a friend?

tell him to refund it. It's obvious, you were never informed of this, therefore why should you pay it. You never even anticipated a show. And plus, this boyfriend of her's, you do not like; so it doesn't really matter.

When I defrag my laptop's C drive, it wont do anything to it except rearrange it right?

If you are worried that something will end up damaged or lost if you defrag your drive, don't be!! Nothing will happen that is bad, in fact your computer's performance should improve somewhat, What happens is over time the files that are constantly being read and written to the hard drive become scattered accross the drive. Your computer then has to search for the file every time it needs to read the info from it. this slows down thee performance. All defragging does is rearrange the files in a more logical order so the computer can find the file it looking for much quicker. A good defragging program is Auslogics Disk Defrag. You can download it for free from the net.

Best type of purse for a 13 year old girl?

I don't want to even look like I'm trying to be older, because I'm not. What designers are affordable($25-$50) that are still young and fresh? Possibly Vera Bradley? Does it look old ladyish? I'd prefer a crossbody. Thanks.

What legal trouble am I in?

My bf wants to press charges because I logged into his email. We weren't broken up at the time. He states his bank infos on there but I didn't touch anything. It was just to see if he read an email from me. The pw was given to me awhile ago. Help?

Friday, July 22, 2011

What furniture should i get?

I am repainting and rearranging my room. I have a nice black dresser, but what color bookshelf and desk should i get?

Who uses GB MoBo GA-P55A-UD4P come! Help~?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What force is needed for Titan (the ride in six flags) to start moving?

Also, what mechanical device creates that force?? it would also be very nice to put the websites for more infos. thankyou~!! :)))

How can u tell a boy is gay?

im tlkin to this boy n he basically will do anything for me such as let me paint his toes lol.....he also takes my purse n acts like he on the runway or sum jus to b funny...idk if he jus really likes me or is jus tryna b funny n prove to me he really likes me

Where to sell purses?

I have about 2 Ed Hardy purses that I want to sell that are in perfect condition. I don't want them because I don't really wear purses. Where can I sell them? Online is fine, as well as stores(preferably in the DFW).

Is the clorox 2 stain fighter pen for colors effective on the go ? something i can carry in my purse?

I just bought that clorox 2 stain fighter pen for colors , the reason why i bought it because i thought it's something i can carry around in my purse just in case disaster strikes and i spill something on my clothes , but i'm not so sure if that is it's main purpose , is it ?

Would you buy a traditional diaper bag or would a large tote/purse work the same?

I'm due in August with my first baby. I don't really want to spend the money on a traditional diaper bag. I'm wondering if it works to just use a large purse or tote bag (like a large louis vuitton style) to carry everything. Any suggestions?

Confused by TSA rules. What can you pack in your luggage?

If they are not a carry on and you check them then it should be fine. I don't think they will take anything away. They only have to be 3 oz or less if it is a carry on.

Help, living with neurotic SIL?

Your husband needs to tell his sister it's time for her to move out. And it's time for you to stop smoking because breathing second hand smoke is very, very dangerous for your husband.

Can backpacks cause spider veins?

I am 18, and I recently noticed that I have spider veins on my shoulders. I thought maybe it was from sleeping on my side all the time, but then I realized that I carry a backpack all the time. I don't do purses, so I carry a little backpack every day even when I'm not carrying my school backpack. Can backpacks cause spider veins? Should I stop carrying a backpack?

Does anyone have any rearranging formula questions for me so I can practice?

Need to practice re-arranging formulas, I need higher GSCE Level and A Level questions to practice or does anybody know where I can find practice questions, GSCE Bitesize is a bit too easy

Problem with Youtube. No video?

Yes I had this problem before. I usually just refresh the page, or restart my computer. You can also try waiting a few days cause I had to wait for it to go away.

Does exist a USB to LAN adapter with incorporated drivers from xp to 7?

I have a USB to Wireless 'Buffalo Tech' that has inside the dirvers for Windows XP in a sort of mass storage volume seen by the XP as a cd drive. I am looking for something similar but via wired LAN that has drivers from XP to 7 x64. To me should be fine or better a USB to LAN adapter that doesn't needs drivers at all because Windows already has them as default. Please, if you have infos let me know, thanks

Ok. i read those infos about the ampere differences on laptops but i'm scared about my case.?

This rating is OK, but you must never use one with LESS current capacity than the machine. But noisy adapters normally indicate a problem and should be replaced. If it is noisy with nothing connected then it is an adapter problem. If it only gets noisy when connecting it is more likely a battery fault or a fault on the machine.

What to carry a phone around in?

Hi Im 13 years old and I Just got the Iphone. My mom is MAKING me carry it in some sort of bag, because its glass and all and because i am a klutz and I will probably drop it. Do you know like a small tote bag? Like its open and stuff and its not this little ugly mini purse type thing?? (me and the guy I like are hanging out nd if I wanna bring my phone with me, i have to carry it in a bag and I don't want it to be embarrassing, especially around him!!) thankss

Where can you buy authentic Coach purses in Orange County, CA at discounted prices?

I really want a Coach purse but don't want to pay full price, I'm not cheap they are just expensive. Any suggestions instead of going to the Coach store or Macy's, etc?

I need some details about THERMODYNAMICS for my physics project.?

I am in CLASS 11, ISC board...Now we gotta do a physics project...I thought of doing one on THERMODYNAMICS.. Can you people help me for infos?? Now the teacher told us not to be too bookish.. I cant even refer to my text book.. anything besides wikipedia please..that's common.. Thanks in advance :)

Marie Claire July Issue page 48 HELPP?

In the back of the magazine, there should be an index of where you can purchase the products shown in the magazine.

Trip advice infos from cab. to quiapo mla.?

may byahe po bang cabanatuan to quaipo direct? d2 sa cabanatuan central terminal? at magkano kya pamasahe? at may trip ba silang madaling araw? madaling araw sana gusto kong bumyahe.. wait aq sa makakapabigay ng infos. salamat..

Is This Louis Vuitton Website Authentic?

Yes it's fake. A real Louis Vuitton bag would probably cost you around 900-1,000 USD as the lowest. Sorry.

Do you think it would be okay if I....?

I have an interview tomorrow for a 6th form college placement and the dress code there is a suit so obviously I was going to wear one to the interview. However, I was trying it for size and spilt a drink on it damaging it and the dry cleaners aren't open and I now don't have a suit to wear. I'm thinking about going in smart casual clothes and explaining the situation to them. Or do you think I should try and rearrange the interview?

If I were to return these items back to JcPenney's..?

A couple months ago I splurged and bought 5 purses that were on sale, $20.00 - $30.00 price range on all 5..I haven't used any of the bags, and all their tags are still attached however I don't have the original receipt. If I were to take these purses back to JcPenneys, would they be able to give me an in-store credit? If for some reason the purses are cheaper now than what I paid a couple months ago, could they just search the barcode into their computers to see the actual price I paid and just give me that price or would there not be a way of doing that?

How would i rearrange the equation 2200/20=x/99 to make x the subject?

Simply multiply both sides by 99 to remove it from the right hand denominator and you have x isolated.

When i restore for jailbreak..Can i backup the App infos (save data) (ipod touch 4g?

You won't lose your jailbreak just by plugging it into iTunes. You'll only lose you'll jailbreak by updating. You can back up everything by plugging it into iTunes, just don't update!!!

Why did my cat's behavior suddenly change?

Ur cat is mad that u got another cat most cats don't like other cats being around. Cats only Like their brother or sister. But sum cats do like other cats

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Importance of pre acl reconstrction surgery exercises?

they are very important same with exercises after the surgery. the more you strengthen your knee and get your range of motion back the easier the recovery will be. so its up to you. if you do all the exercises you will have an easier less painful and faster recovery. yes as long as you let it heal and do your rehab your knee will be 100% again. it is a frustrating experience but keep your head up/

Is Hyundai Accent Automatic car good for urban drive?

I don't know why you would want to drive auto, but yes, Hyundai Accent is a good, smooth car. Not very fast, or very powerful, but it is comfortable to drive.

How can I feel good about myself?

I would say one think which is called " ugly duck" age. Some people are not nice in teenage age or even a little bit more. But after some time they become real "swans" so maybe you should wait a little. I didn't like myself until 19 years old, but now i am glad by my appearance :)

I though she was my friend please read?

I knew this girl for 15 years we were best friends or so i thought. she recently had me arrested and told the cops that i stole $790 cash out of her purse and that she had seen me do it. but if she seen me do it like she says why didn't she try and stop me can someone please tell me if this is really going to hold up in court she says she has a witness to me being there but thats it

Is this real or fake Guess purse?

ohhh, How could be guess purse so cheap like this? Since there have many vendors selling items on eBay, I think it would be better to check all the reviews before any move or directly buy with top seller that should be good reputation. I don't think it would be the original guess purse as its unbeliveable price.

Am I doing this physics question correctly? (Efficiency)?

Hi sorry i don't agree there is a lot more to thermal dynamics and engineering theory that that simple analogy, further reading is required.

Attach a kisslock frame to the purse?

I can't seem to find any vids or tutorials on how to best accomplish finishing a kiss lock frame purse. wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction? please and thank you

Should a guy always rearrange his schedule to meet the woman's schedule he's dating?

You both need to comprimise. You shouldn't always be the one making sacrifices, neither should she. If she is starting to make a habit of blowing you off or expecting you to drop everything for her you need to talk about it. She may not realize that it is a problem.

Xbox 360, 3 red rings all of a sudden, power supply making a lot of noise?

Well sounds like you xbox **** the bed. I imagine that your xbox is a falcon or a the other chipsset prone to RROD. You could try to replace the x clamps but I wouldn't bother because you already have a slim. If you do want to replace them there lots of video tutorials on YouTube. Your best bet is to trash it.

Baby Names: Are these names too different? & do you like them? 10 Points?

I like evelyn rose and Ava Renee.. Or Ava rose! I don't like the first two for boys but I do like Blake Grayson.

Did Britain change our World map for the worse during the first half of the C20TH?

Yes, thank you for pointing it out. Even jumping in the great war, "WW1", was unnecessary. The fewer nations that got involved the better things would be. Germany wanted to unify the German people after their towns were swallowed up in re-drawing the map after WW1. England didn't have to get involved and make things a lot worse. England did in the Falkland Islands in 1982 what Germany did in 1939 to regain their former lands. Imagine if every other nation picked sides and jumped in fighting each other too because of it.

My employer didn't except my 2 weeks notice. Can I still collect unemployment?

I was on second shift for 8 months. I was a lead of 2 production assembly lines, with 30 people under my supervision. I am a single mother of a 15 year old son. So with that being said, I needed to get back on first shift to get a handle on the "situation" in my home. I had asked both of my superintendents (1st and 2nd shift) about getting back on 1st and they blew me off for 3 months. The problems were getting worse at home so I went to my H.R. and put in a request on paper to come to first. That day my 1st shift superintendent got fired. I also had been hearing rumors that a employee I had trained was going to be a supervisor. I asked H.R. about the rumor and was assured it wasn't true. I explained to H.R. the problems that I would have if it were true. #1 that I trained him. #2 that I had more seniority than him. #3 that no one on the assembly lines would respect me or my decisions when someone with so little time and experience would be my superior. Again I was assured that it was clearly a rumor. Being very nervous about the switch and the rumor, the next day I approached my other 1st shift superintendent and explained word for word what I had said to H.R. He told me that the gentlemen in question would be a lead for another area in factory. I said OK and made the switch the following Monday. That Monday I asked the gentlemen about the rumors that were being said and ask him if they were true. He said yes that he is supervisor. The next day I approached my Plant Manager about the situation and repeated my problems to him and his response was that I asked the wrong people. I replied with "my superintendent and H.R. are the wrong people?" he had no response. I in turn asked him if he could take away my lead pay and put me somewhere else in factory or on a machine? He told me that he couldn't rearrange people on the account of me. He told me to go to H.R. and give her my 2 weeks notice. I walked in and told her the issue and she told me that she wouldn't except my 2 weeks and she will "end it now" she walked me to my locker and then out the door.

How to stop stepkids and husband from sucking the life out of me.?

Ive raised my step kids since they were 3&7,now 10&14.I have shared guardianship papers with court.I provided for them,rearranged work schedule,doctors,school etc.Provided and loved as my own.We have them every other week,sometimes weeks at a time.Most of my pay went to them.I became extremely ill last year from rare disorder and had to retire early. I have a 21 yr old and my spouse have a 2 yr old.Im expected to clean,,cook and care for the children when they are here, father is sleeping, works nights, that's fine.They are a joy,we had fun,but when they were not allowed to get their way(safety reasons, money, or i was sick)i was treated awful.Now, they don't listen, they yell at me,or cause my daughter harm,or yell and fight each other, i try to stop it,they wake their dad up & start making up stuff &wine to their dad, he starts calling me names, yelling at me.I hate to even say this, it hurts.They've lied on me to get their way with the other parents,played one against the other taught my 2 yr old curse words,hit her a few times, yell at her for crying, when i say something or try to give them a time out, they wake their dad up saying a bunch of lies then all three of them starts yelling at me!Ive went without food ,baths,basic Hygiene stuff because their dad gives them everything they want and himself what he wants most of the time,when they get something they just toss it, in meantime im doing without some of my medications, doctors visits. husband will only do things with kids. i medically cannot drive but im not dead and still young, i do what i can, I feel used by them,ive given money to their mom to help her out with so many things,(a christian southern gal) just because i thought it was the right thing to do..I keep giving into my husbands demands but i think dog pee is treated better than this.I believe in my vows, want to continue to love and cherish my family, but im getting a bad taste in my mouth now and beginning to get fed up with being expected to be someones maid while everyone tears up our home, treats me badly, oh yes, spouse even throws items of mine away without asking, important expensive stuff of mine , he doesn't even care when i say something. Ive talked, cried pleated begged tried to change everything i do, but the only thing that's changed is that im not the smiling, happy, girl anymore.I love them, but its affecting my health so bad and preventing me from doing things with the 2 yr old that i want to be doing.We've went to dinner twice since our honeymoon in 2007, hes had an affair in 2008and put us in bankruptcy. He isn't having an affair now,but maybe hes cloned me into a pushover and broke my spine. When i talk with him about it and make suggestions or let him make suggestions he tells m e everything is my fault and none of them do anything wrong. He left me unconscious twice on the floor few years ago , mom ended up getting me.Kind of scary.But he had an excuse or made it sound like i didn't know what i was talking about that he had to quickly care for the 2 yr old, i vaguely remember trying to crawl on porch and pressing my alarm button, that's when my mom came and i ended up in hospital for a few weeks. Now what. Please no negative comments unless its constructive criticism.I feel bad enough about speaking this loudly, this is my first time ever. Thanks,

Help with identifying men jacket?

I'm not sure...I thought it could be American Apparel and it very well could be, but maybe an older style. On their site right now they do have similar styles, but not exactly like that.

Computer turning on and off after rearranging pcu cables?

last night after hooking up my new mouse keyboard and monitor ( which work fine ) i decided to tidy up my cables as i have a big window in my case, after a hour of deciding on the best layout i screwed everything back together only to find that now my computer wont start properly! it turns on ( fans, hard drives, ( no beep) but it seems that as soon as the motherboard tries to power on ( i say this because the cpu fan just starts to spin) it shuts down. and then after 2 seconds it powers back on again with the same results. i have checked for stray metal arcing out on the case and found none. i have removed and re-installed all cables numerous times, i have tried removing RAM disconnecting hdd's booting with only motherboard and graphics card. read all the other forums and tried everything. please please please any advice would be fantastic as im about to hang myself with my ac cord

Do I have to be licensed?

I want to advertise my non-medical services on caring mostly for the seniors. My services will include mostly home companionship,errands,etc. I have a background check done on myself, health & physical requirements needed in this line of work. I want to get some business card with my name and contact infos. But do I need to belicensed for this? In the future, I want to form my own company doing the same thing but at this time I just want to do this myself. I will be doing this in California.

GIRLS>>>Should i ask my mom this?

Yeah , and don't be embarrassed . She had to do that , too when she was your age. We are all female. But yes , you should ask your mom that.

4th Amendment New Jersey vs. T.L.O.?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

Please help me? How to get tampons?

I don't know about the whole thing of how to get out of the house or anything, all I could say is that u by kotex is a great first timers brand (:

If we tarred and feathered obama and the dem leadership would they finally get the message that they need to?

severely cut federal spending? That we will no longer support the federal govt's. poor stewardship of the public purse and that we only have enough money to support a smaller government? Enough is enough!!

Somebody can give me name and infos about the smg in the link?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Someone please tell me what to do! i had firefox exactly how i wanted it?

and then found that there was newer versions...i THINK i had 3.5 or 3.6 i dont know, anyhow, i have uninstalled and installed and all sorts of crap trying to get it back cuz i dont like any others and i can't find what i had or make the others work like the one i me! someone with great computer and browser knowledge will know this so guys please tell me what you think! i had the menu you could rearrange and speed dials, etc. and i have windows 7 and my explorer said i have a 64 bit system whatever that means... i appreciate it SO much for any good answers!! jen

What are the issues thrown by Advani’s apologises to Sonia on Swiss bank account issue?

Not may journalists write political analyses these days and it is rare to see journos call a spade a spade.

What are the signs shown by a girl if she likes a guy?

what signs that show that a girl likes a boy? It maybe through txt msgs or while meeting in class.i need all the infos i can get...thnkz

Should i divorce my wife yes or no poll?

I wanted to use her fecies to make a statue(to show my love) she wouldn't let me. She cussed me out and said she's going to her mothers if I didn't straighten up. So I do my doo-doo statue anyway I pile it up 6feet tall. I place it in bed with her. At six in the morning she wakes up screaming and cussing. She comes downstairs nude in flip flops. Smacks me while I'm eating my bacon she screams(that is disgusting!!! What on earth would posses you to do that) I said I love you and I'm sorry next time ill make you a small one and sneak it in your purse for you. So when your at the job your girlfriends can see the unsanitary statue. She left and said I'm going to get salomanalia what is that? Is she crazy? Should we divorce?

I have 4 Different W2s from 2010 and I owe taxes when I add one of them to the count?

Make sure you are getting the making work pay credit. Without knowing all your personal details and just single with 28k income and 2300 federal withholdings you should get about 250 refund with the making work pay credit.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Query on 32 pages indian passport..?

The regular passport has 36 pages; a 60 pages passport is available at an additional fee of Rs.500/-. It depends on his travel plans whilst studying abroad. For example if someone studies in the United Kingdom and wants to travel to the other countries in Europe he will need to get a visa for each travel which requires two adjacent visa pages..

House Was Broken Into For The Second Time, Do You Think They Will Try Again?

Someone obviously knows they are very capable of breaking into your house. I think you should change the locks maybe, hide the spare key( if you've got one) in a VERY difficult place, get a dog, or security system. The guy who robbed you could inform other people and you'd be toast. I think you need to take action right away, A.S.A.P., just so it can't happen again. Good Luck!!!!

Marvel logic. Gotta love it.?

Wade Wilson at the age of 18 (?+) goes on mission with Wolverine (because at the age of 18 you're a f**king elite soldier right? because you can get into army at like.. 10 years old yeah O_o). Ok, YEARS pass, he gets cancer, offers for experiment, gets all scarry and turns into Deadpool. Again, by Marvel logic, he is 18 years old. (his body may be regenerating constantly so he doesn't age, but what that doesn't make him 18 years old. and f**k me if that's the body of an 18 year old). More time passes, blah blah, he is still 18. Because Marvel's infos say so. I'm missing the logic here. Sorry if I seem arrogant/ignorant but from all I've read it just doesn't make sense. Also could I have an approximate real age please? If possible.

Paypal deposits sent?!?

so i entered my bank account infos and it now says that the deposits were made on feb 5th but i went to the bank today and they didnt see the deposits?

Does it surprise anyone that the P.M., Dr Singh says "govt not involved in vote-buying" in 2008?


Does anyone realize that the Republican talking points don't solve anything?

I think you are wrong it solves a lot of problems for wealthy people. With the dollar value declining your labor is also declining in value therefore making you work more for less...

What's the best way to get rid of old purses?

Hi all. I have a bunch of different bags. Some that I got a few months ago for hundreds of dollars and some that are old and did not cost as much. They are all in OK to excellent condition. What is the best way to get rid of them/sell them? And by "best way" I mean less time and more money. Also, I have never used Ebay before or any of those sites you can sell stuff on so please suggest a how-to book or let me know how to use them. Thanks!

How do I apply for a homestay/host family program in Korea?

I'm from M'sia and would like to stay with a host family in Seoul, Korea for over a week or so. I'm also still not so sure about the process of hosts programs... which is the best website i could go to look for infos?

Who was the major, major factor in ending WW2 in Europe? The US or the Soviet Union?

Can we safely say that the US and Britain would never have won the war without the Soviet Union jumped in? Or the other way? When I was younger, I was taught mainly about the US efforts of the war, but now with the infos on the net, I realize the CCCP contributed huge to the defeating of the Nazi. So what should be a fair verdict?

What is the best website to download free music for free?

Without a doubt, a href="" rel="nofollow"

Is it weird for a girl to just carry a wallet?

I am a girl, and all I carry is my wallet w/ my license, money, and (other stuff that goes in a wallet). That's all I carry with me most places is that weird? I just don't like carrying purses for some reason.

Flying internationally and domestically with a plant?

I'm flying with SAS from Stockholm to Newark, and I want to take a little plant with me I got in Sweden, I think it's a type of lilly. I've looked on the website and I can't find anything on regulations and rules. it's small enough to fit in my purse so that's what I'm planning on doing. Then from Newark I'm flying to Minneapolis with Frontier Airlines. So any help on how to do this and any papers I need to get would be helpful! Thank you so much!

What an I do to fix my iPod? Is there still hope?

Well some iPods come with warranty, so if you got it maybe u wanna give them a call and let them know.

Is this legal? What should I do?

Hmm... I heard of of Second Life.... ISn't it where you can be a stripper or something? Anyways, you cannot really do anything bu to contact the developer at the site you downloaded it. Show them what they done and the best that could happen is that she will be banned or account suspended.

The top10 nightclub in Montreal?

Me n my friends are going to Montreal for the Canada day but during the night we don't know which club we should hit first so who can give us some infos if its okay plz don't just say the club name plus ur options that would be awesome thx:)

Is this basically what Atheists believe?

No. Atheist =/= scientists. There are isolated tribes in the Amazon and Australia that don't believe in god and they've never heard of the big bang or evolution.

SO nervous about abercrombie kids interview?

I was at the mall yesterday and my cousin talked me into applying at abercrombie kids. Im 17 and i know at interviews, if you say one thing wrong than your just screwed. I scheduled my interview for july 5th at 4 and i applied for the modeling position and Im just worried about what to bring like do i bring a purse or just my wallet and keys and phone or nothing at all. My hair is naturally curlly kind of wavy but idk if i should straighten to not seem like i just got out of bed. i have clothes from both abercrombie and hollister but idk what to exactly wear. The biggest part im worried about is the question, i get nervous and itll be worse when its group interviews. Ive read some answers on here but they havent really helped out that much. I hope i get it and thanks for your answers.

Is it hard for a foreign school graduate to get in the University of California SanFo School of Medicine?

I'm just a new immigrant here at the US since 2009. I graduated Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the Philippines recently. And now, I'm planning to take Doctor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco. Im really clueless about the steps that I need to take for me to study in this school. I badly want to pursue my doctoral career. I read in the different threads and discussions about SAT etc, Can anyone help me or give me helpful infos? I hope I qualify in this school. In fact, I did great in my BSN years. I graduated with flying colors. Thanks :)

Does a purse count as a carry-on bag for greyhound?

Call the greyhound station. In a multi state trip my backpack was a carry on. When I went 70 miles it was not a carry on

Marie Claire July Issue page 48 HELPP?

In the back of the magazine, there should be an index of where you can purchase the products shown in the magazine.

How would u describe me,based on short infos about my natal? no stupid comments?

Go to Click on short horoscope then click on personal portrait. It will explain a lot about you.

Mixing CD.. Rearranged the order on me?

I just burned a mix cd and it rearranged everything so that it is in alphabetical order. How can I burn this cd without it changing the order I initially wanted it in?

How do prepaid Credit cards work? and can i get some infos on them plz?

i need one to pay for my world of warcraft account. and how do i buy them? do i just get one at a store and walk up to the counter and just tell how much cash i want on it and give them money? or how does it work?

I need an expert in html plz :-)?

Well, you have the form done for sending it, but no action, you need a PHP file to send it to your email. Search "How to make a contact form in PHP" :)

What is sotware piracy?

Im working on my term paper about software piracy... could you guys helpme get some infos about it... on the net.. share some websites?? thank you

If you found a wallet/purse with �500 in it would you hand it in?

Yes, its the right thing to do, ask yourself, if you lost the wallet how would you feel if someone didn't return your wallet with 500 euros in it?

What should I ask for for my 14th birthday?

I already have an Xbox 360, Wii, Camera, Phone, Ipod, Coach purses, laptop, and I have no idea what I want. Any ideas?(:

Having a yard to price stuff?

Visit some other sales in your neighborhood and find out what their price point was, every neighborhood is unique as to who is shopping there and what they are mostly looking for. Someone else who is having a sale or who has just had one can give you scoop on what worked and didn't. Good luck! Hope you do well!

Steps of Cellular Respiration?

Before the three stages is right. I don't know if the bottom is right because I haven't learned anything about it yet.

Miami airport to Fort Lauderdale - with train?

The train is cheap & easy to use; pick up the free Tri-rail shuttle bus at the airport bus terminal outside Concourse E. It will take you to the nearby Tri-Rail station in about 10 minutes. The problem is the last northbound train leaves at about 9:40 pm. So if you plane is late & you have to wait for baggage claim you could have a problem. If you miss the train, take the shuttle or a cab back to the airport. While Supershuttle charges $40 a person to take you to a hotel in FT. Ldle, It has a lower rate to Ft. Ldle airport (closer to $20 or so). So take it to the airport & have your hotel pick you up from there.

What is this type of edging called?

I've noticed that, to finish off the edges of vinyl on purses, they use a rubbery substance. Ladies, if you look at the zipper pull on one of your purses, what I'm talking about is around the edge, where the two pieces of vinyl/leather come together. I need this for a craft I'm doing. . . does anyone know what it's called or where I can buy it?

Is InboxDollar a trusted website?

I'm a new member of InboxDollars... the site looks real but I'm not sure. You take surveys to win money (.50 c....). It also asks for infos like your street address, household income, dob ect... Should I continue using this site?

What are cherry tree growing seasons in the uk?

I am looking to grow a morello tree in the uk can they grow in the uk ? also i would like to ask the growing seasons in which seasons to plant and what seasons to grow and the aftercare and tips and infos about the morello thank you if you need more details please ask :)

Guys Help, im confused about what he said?

Ok so im confused by his feelings. For 2 years we have been arguing and he blocks me off and on facebook and then on Wednesday he unblocks me and wants to put all the arguments to an end, i have known this boy all my life and 2 years ago was the first time in 8 years that we had met up and in an email he sent he said he didn't want to lose me again, so after that was when the arguments started. Back to Wednesday he wanted to meet he didn't turn up on Thursday but he rearranged it to Friday and turned up however after a brief chat we sat down and he said that he wanted to be with me. I have waited for this boy for 2 years and so i was so shocked by this and I said why, how then he says I guess i always wanted you. We hugged and kiss and had a laugh. But with his background with me (messing me around 2 years ago when we were 15-16) could he mean it this time now that we have matured? He says we will talk soon. And on friday he says he checks me out all the time as he works in a shop i go in often.

Will you support ALIPAC's call for the impeachment of Barack Obama?

Yes I will because this has gotten Americans killed to further a political agenda towards Socialism and Totalitarianism.

What caused the Mutually Assured Destruction ?

MAD was just a broad concept like the "Global War on Terror". It wasn't an "Official" policy with military manuals and what not. It just meant that if Russia attacked America we would retaliate and both of us would be totally annihilated and vice versa, thus the reasoning went that no one would attack the other because that meant they would be destroyed also. That's why Submarines played such an important part in the Cold War because you could basically have a couple dozen or so nuclear missiles directly off the others coast in a sub that no one can find. You could have attacked and wiped the Other country out before they had time to respond. That's why so many Cold War resources were spent tracking Russian Subs and why we sent so many of our subs to the North Atlantic. The reason we fell into that whole scenario in the first place was because a bunch of the fathers of the "bomb" were Communists and had very little oversight so it was very easy for Russia to acquire the ability to build nukes immediately after WW2. Both Russia and the US wanted to spread there influence throughout europe and elsewhere so we wound up competing and due to our radically different Governmental philosophies we were just natural enemies.

How to deal with roommate's new girlfriend practically moving in?

Honestly, I don't really see where the issue lies other than that she doesn't want to be your friend; which I think is fine. She's jamie's gf and doesn't have to be your friend. If she is civil than I don't see an issue. Tell her specifically, what things she does to bother you( i.e. locking the door) and just deal with it.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Statistics - entering an equation to a graphical calculator?

Here is what you need to do. Go online and look up the user's manual for your graphing calculator model. It is different depending on the model. On mine there is a function key at the top and I have to hit shift and then that function key which becomes a "y=" key after hitting shift. Good luck.

Why do some married men claims to be single?

and still go out to see other women? A man telling his fake name and fake infos to the woman? Why would they wanna ruin a decent woman's face and bring baggae to her when he is already married and have kids? How come some men do this?

How to control my over aggressive cichlid?

auratus and red zebras are aggressive by nature take them out of the tank for about an hour or get a bigger tank, orrrr you could also take them back and trade them for something else cause its only gonna get worse. actually the one thing that worked for me was getting more plants (taller plants) so that the fish will get distracted and forget about chasing the other fish or lose it

What is a "devil's purse"?

It is the casing that surrounds a fertilized sharks egg in certain species of sharks, and other specific types of aquatic fish, they are sometimes called a mermaids purse

16 years old and I'm flying by myself for the first time. Tips?

I'm 16 and I'm flying from Florida to Colorado by myself. I've never been next to a plane, or airport, and I've never flown before! :o I've already "researched" packing tips etc. but I'm mostly concerned about once I arrive at the airport, where do I go? What do I do? I'll be checking my luggage online, so I don't think [?] I have to wait in that long line (you see in movies etc. :). What is security like? What do they do? How long before-hand do you have to wait at your gate so there's no chance I'll miss my flight? Basically, my question it...what is the whole flight experience like? I'm flying by myself so frankly, I'm terrified! I'll be having just my checked luggage and my purse so I won't be bring a carry-on bag. What are the chances my luggage will get lost though? Cause if I lose my bag, I'll be SCREWED! :D Anyway...a lot of questions and I hope someone can answer them!? :D Thanks so much! [From the date of this post, I leave in 5 days so I need answers asap :]

Question about a coach purse?

I seen a lot of people with this coach purse it goes over their shoulder across their chest and sits on the other side and its pretty small would fit a phone and a wallet and keys... im wondering where to buy these even a online store works thankss!!!

P2 4 pin connector causing shutdown on my pc?

Hi i have been battling with my new (2nd hand) computer all day as after rearranging some psu cables it decided to no longer boot properly, it would start to boot after pulling everything out and testing it after each cable was installed i found out that it was the 4 pin connector running to the cpu with "p2" stamped on it that is causing the outages. all other power cords are fine but what the hell do i do no? could it in fact be the cpu or the cable itself? any help would be very welcome as i have gotten very few hours sleep since this problem arose. thanks alot

What do I do!? Husband is secretative and lies to me about silly stuff!?

We have been married for 10 years, He has always like to watch porn , but recently he has been on SEVERAL adult dating sites some say couple looking for.. etc and some say single man looking for etc... I tried to talk to him about this but he blows it off like it is no big deal but then past 2 weeks he has changed the password to an email that we set up together and the pass code to his new Iphone that he is on 24/7 recent issue was my b-day my mom and sister and the kids did the whole cake and candles because the past 3 b-days have SUCKED he did not even come out of the bed room all day was on the computer and only came out late afternoon and got on the phone with his parents and then spoke to his sister until late that night oh and it was also Father's day! which brings me to my sister in law ... we were great up until 2 years ago his family lives out of state in FL wanted us to move there but it was not the right time for us to move she blamed me and on our last trip there gave me the cold shoulder the entire time which made my husband do the same I noticed the last few days they were whispering a lot more but I didn't pay them any attention but found out why on the Long drive home! Half way home still had 6 hours to go my husband unleashed a horrific fury on me calling me a thief liar pathetic it was catastrophic with the kids in the car accused me of stealing his 12yr old niece's perfume.... He allowed his sister to go through my purse and remove a bottle of perfume that MY SISTER had gotten me on my b-day. needless to say they found his niece's bottle under her bed wrapped in a towel .. my husband not one time took up for me ... or even really apologized for not standing by me!!! He has 2 kids from a previous marriage and we have 2 boys together my sister in law flew the other 2 kids to FL last year without even thinking of these boys.. I was furious because my oldest was very upset then christmas she sent the other 2 a present to our house not the boys one when I politely told her to please from on send packages to their mom's house she went off on me in text calling me all kinds of things and said that they were mixed up she sent them all at the same time but on the package the date was 4 days after our conversation. Now she has done it again the other 2 are in FL now with her and my kids do not know yet we didn't know last year till the post of facebook! When I try to talk to him about his sister and MY issues with her he gets ballistic puffs up like a blow fish and defends her every action and doesn't even listen to me we don't speak for a while then he acts like nothing happen! Well I am sick and tired of all of this I don't know what to do am I overreacting or what can I do ... he doesn't take up for me at ll I don't feel like he has my back at all!!! HELP ME

Should I go to a performing arts school?

its up to you, if you don't want to go to the performing arts school and the local high school has a program you want and all your friends, go there. if you're not interested don't go. :)

Looking for constructive and REALISTIC advice?

I'm a 45 year old male who is considering pursing a degree in engineering. Perhaps Mechanical, structural or civil. I'm a returning student and did not have a strong science or math history in High school. thoughts?

Cute and girly purse for highschool?

I always like Vera Bradley bags. For a name brand (which basically indicates social status in high school -___-), they have good prices, and lots of cute colors and styles to choose from. I also get a lot of my purses at JC Penney, they have lots of cute girly ones.

What do you think i should do ? please help with my situation ..?

my dad bought me my first car 1 month ago..and i was happy but really its been more stressful than anything else...the cars registration is under my name so you would think i own it but really the title is under my dads name so he can take it away...he told me he wont give me a hard time about the car that all he wants is for me to go to school and work and that having it will make my life easier..well, thats bullcrap because hes already going through my purse making copies of the keys and yesterday i found my bumper sticker was missing...he took itt out because he says he didnt like what it said which is this "YES, IM A BiiIATCH JUST NOT YOUR BiiIATCH" i was like what a jerk he told me he wont give me a hard time...hes overreacting over a sticker? wow i can imagine how its going to be like if one day i go to a club HE WILL BLOW UP it just hurts because he LIED TO ME and told me not to worry that its my car the only condition was that i dont stop working ...i know i have to give the car back and buy my own car its just sooo hard because having a car is so much better and now i have to take the bus for like 4 months so i can save money to buy my own car , and this car i have now is causing me stress and my freedomwill. Should i go tomorrow to the tag place and just cancel everything and give the car back ? i know thats what i should do but dont you think this is so sad? i couldent even experience having my first car yet ...and at that not even a good one. I know i should buy my own car and in the long run it will be better but just vent with me here :(

What are the best PTC sites?

are there any that pay then 1 c...ent per ad... do they acually pay you?? what are the best ones.. are and paymebucks.infos scams?

Am I completely insane, please answer?

Bipolar is just a label of the symptoms. Not everyone will have all the same symptoms and considering your dad has it.. it seems you probably have something of that sort too. Don't look at it with a label.. it's a chemical imbalance in the brain causing these symptoms, it doesn't need a label unless you need to label it. I'm sorry your treatment isn't working, explain that to your doctor. Stay positive and I hope you find some relief.

If I got a ticket in high school will it affect me afterwards?

Im 19 && I live in Texas, when i was a sophomore at da age of 16 i got a ticket for theft under $50 at school because my friends decided to steal a purse && since i was with them I was given a ticket also. I went to court and all i had to take was some Decision-Making classes. Will this affect me when looking for a job or in any other way?

Quality purse reccomendation?

I seem to go through a purse a year. I usually spend $20, but last year i spent $150 for one from bebe. I can already see where the straps are worn. Im looking to spend <200 but i want it to last a few years. Reccomendations? Im looking to pay for quality, not really the brand. Either a good brand or style I should look for, the straps seem to always be the problem

Can i be a pharmacist with an INFP personality?

you either follow your heart and do the career you have a desire for, or you believe some dogs-bollocks personality type test and end up in a job you dislike... its up to you!

What do he want with me?

So a guy I was dating 4 a while tells me we r going 2 get no where, let's just b friends! So I said ok! That's fine!!! It took me a while 2 get over it but I did! A couple of months ago, I saw him again n we started going 2 lunch but then we stopped! He was getting n2 a relationship n so was I. N da end nothing happend with my relationship! On Christmas day, he sent me a txt merry Christmas n on new yrs day he sent happy new yr n startd asking all these questions bout my cultural gatherings, where I can potentially meet guys. I didn't give him any infos but then since then he's been txtn! This past sat he txtd @ 12 midnight asking wat I was doing n it so happen we had a party so he askd wat I cook n all! I told him n he wantd me 2 take him some @ 2am as our convos lasts dat long! I rejectd of course!!! So da nxt day he txt @ 2pm asking wat I cook n I told him I'm no chef ok!!!! Then later on dat night he txt saying he saw his 1st love!!! I laughd it off n he txt a couple of things! Then he startd saying that he knows I miss him n I told him he's been replaced!!!! What was he thinking??? Y did he say dat???? Jerk totally broke my heart!!!!

Relationship Status on facebook?

Change it from "Single" to "In A Relationship". If it doesn't work again refresh the page and try it. Hope this helps!

Why does my co-worker look at poor people with dirty looks?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

My husband used fake id to marry me !!!?

If it is his real name and information, then your marriage license has his real name and information, that means it is legally binding. If you want a divorce, file for one. You do not qualify for an annulment.

How does boot camp works on macbook pro?

im new with macs...i've looked up some infos on that but still i dont really understand...please help me...

Monday, July 18, 2011

What do i say to her when she was the one who said we just arent bestmates anymore?

you should tell her i thought we were best mates but your the one who is getting all mad. and then tell her its over

Where can i find a cute handbag for school!?

so i am going to be a freshmen in high school and want a really cute bag for all my stuff! i want it to be a big bag that has smaller handles but also a larger strap too! i will have a smaller purse for personal items so i don't want it to be too big for me to carry around. i want it to be cheap but still look nice! thanks for the help!(:

I need some rabbit infos...what should I put in my rabbit's cage? and...?

Things to put in the cage is bedding avoid wood shavings like pine and cedar use soft bedding. And litter box training isn't that easy usually, you have to put some bedding (different then the rest of the cage) and some hay.

Window air conditioning?

i have a window air conditioner and my dad is being an a$$ insisting that i have to move my bed so that he can put it in the window closest to the outlet, well i have an extension cord that just happens to reach my other window so i wouldn't have to rearrange my room. he says you can't plug it into an extension cord, please please tell me he's wrong i like my room the way it is minus the heat. please help

Is Nikon d7000 a good camera to buy?

Im planning to get one for my bday, this would be my first camera. Im a beginner. Do you think I need to take classes for me to learn or instead, just browse the net for infos about the camera? Is it worth it? Thanks! :)

Help solving for P2 in Clausius-Clapeyron equation?

I have this equation ln(P2/380.3mmHg)=-(22,400J/K/8.314J/K*mo… and I know that P2=614.6mmHg (via WolframAlpha), I just don't know my algebra well enough to rearrange the equation myself to solve for P2. Please help.

If I restore the PC system, will all lost data be recovered?

My PC went blank, though it still works, the internet works perfectly. Problem is that many datas and infos were lost but can they be recovered? This is what might have happened: ''First i turned off the computer while it was on and while I was holding the ''Off Button''. All music files are lost, project files, etc......only some were left :((((((((((. Another problem is that that my PC reads that the hard drive disk is full of files and memories while in the carpets is completely empty. Please i need solutions, advices, suggestions etcc.........

Market Stall Trader and Bookkeeping (Starting-Up)?

I'm starting up business as a sole-trader. Will sell at car boots, flea markets, and so on. I have personal experience; enough to make it financially worthwhile. For my own purposes, I'm having trouble identifying/ obtaining the necessary single-entry bookkeeping spreadsheets needed. If anyone presently is a market stall trader or starting up (similar to my own position) can they please recommend a site which provides ''free'' small business spreadsheets. The spreadsheets I'm exclusively interested in, ought relate to a business that has limited receipts given the domestic, mobile, and public nature of (purchases and retail) car boots and flea markets. I'm assuming I do not need double-entry books as there will be no creditors, debtors, invoices and so on. The little detail I've accounted for to date includes a petrol mileage log, both a business and personal cashflow analysis spreadsheet, a trading and profit and loss account and other spreadsheet templates which illustrates my ignorance so far. Lists of bookkeeping sheets might help, but I assume a like minded minded business individual, retired or otherwise, will know which books I vaiguely make reference to. If indeed, spreadsheets need be kept. Thanks to any response in advance. Sorry for the long-winded background infos. Hope this helps. Please help.

I really wanna work in the international legal area, but m afraid i don't have much channel and infos?

i dont' even know how to start. can somebody please help me? m going to graduate soon from my law faculty here in Indonesia but most of the job offered at international organization and tribunal requires master degree or at least job experiences. can at least a fresh graduate try to work in such area?i have a huge passion in public international law and hv joined international law moot court competitions. i also have enriched my knowledge by being a foreign exchange students for 2 times

I'd like people in general to answer this question...?

Ok, so I went out dancing with a bunch of friends a couple of weeks ago. At the club I gave my clutch to my friends boyfriend. Every one was drinking that night. When we arrived home, he didn't have my purse. He lost it. He doesn't remember where or how but he lost it. In it, I had my phone, my passport and money. Now I need to get a new cell phone, I need to replace my passport which is from South Africa. The closest consulate is in California and I live in Arizona. Who is responsible for all of this? Please answer and tell me what you honestly think. Am I responsible or is he responsible?

Is it dangerous to put a space communicator on a magical knowledge box?

This is the sort of situation where it's probably best to err on the side of caution and keep these appliances in different rooms. Good luck.

10 points for best answer.what does he mean........?

It sounds like he likes you. But He also sounds a bit off. You have to ask yourself why you want to be with someone who is so violent. If you do get with him, is he going to go off on every person that looks at you? That's no way to live your life. He sounds really immature. Especially if he is always insulting you and turning every thing you say into something sexual. Men don't act that way, little boys do. Have some respect for yourself and ditch this guy.

Hey atheists, do you actually believe this?

Atheism - the belief that there was nothing & nothing happened to nothing & then nothing magically exploded for no reason creating everything & then a bunch of everything magically rearranged itself for no reason which then turned into dinosaurs.

What's the best position for Mission M7DS bipole surround speakers in 5.1 system?

Dolby does not have a standard for dipole speakers but THX lucas films does so I would recommend researching the THX standard......sometimes when we have a less than ideal placement option we have to experiment to see what sounds best outside of any if you can experiment with different placement options... you may have to leave it is one position for a month or two before you become accustom to the sound and its limitations and then try another position for a month experiment with various movies and music you are familiar with until you find the most pleasing effect with the widest amount of movies and may have to adjust settings several times and you may not be able to use the built in analyzer either it may have to be tweaked by ear....and using a sound meter...but just generally speaking the closer the speaker is to any reflective surface the ceiling the side wall the rear wall the greater the risk of harmful reflections but compromises have to be made between what looks best and sounds best and whats practical for our particular room and life style...

Paypal deposits sent?!!?

so i entered my bank account infos and it now says that the deposits were made on feb 5th but i went to the bank today and they didnt see the deposits?

Can anyone help me here? Need more Infos for AOS.Thanks?

You need to get a lawyer, you had 92 days and then you had to leave. After 4 years you will be deported

Questions about herpes?

You definitely don't have herpes. Stds don't survive that well outside the body. You probably got a cold from using her lip gloss which is very unsanitary. Or you couldve gotten a cold from somewhere else but its NOT an std. You should get tested regularly if you are active tho

How to keep this from my mom?

Call the cat Nyan lol and if you think that will work then you should be ok but be prepared for being caught even if you think it won't happen

AnswerFast: Differences between Mayan and Egyptian pyramids?

Well for one, the location, obvious. And also the Mayan pyramids had steps that led up to the top, and the Egyptian one's didn't. There was a conspiracy that the people who created the Mayan and Egyptian pyramids were created by the same race of people. most likely the Egyptians somehow got to South America and constructed them. It isn't sure whether this is true or not, but their is a possibility. But I found a site that has a comparison, and it also tries to disprove the Myth of them being from the same people.

Quick help on an opening paragraph... Just tell me what is happening?

please!a href=";_ylt=Aik9XXo4jUpFXjWN3UfwNMXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110609193042AA70SHg";…/a

What tool did Riley use in "National Treasure" to find the password valley forge?

I need a program that you can rearrange the words to figure out the password. I have all the characters I just need the possible combinations.

Why everytime I use google does it redirect me to a random page?

Like if i look up pokemon then click on one of the results it redirects me to random stuff like purse ads or tanning salon stuff.

Please help me? How to get tampons? (Repost)?

I dont think you should be emabarassed about it. If anything, why not call and ask your sister to go with you. Otherwise, I m sure your grandmother will be just fine with taking you. Make sure you get the smallest ones they have. They will hurt at first if you get the bigger ones, but you will get used to them.

Copyright a work by snail mailing? Help!?

When someone says snail mail they are referring to the US postal service because it takes so long to send a letter.}{

If you've been on the Carnival Splendor for the 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise. Excursion suggestions?

Going on the Carnival Splendor 7 day Mexican Riviera Cruise in September with my husband and our 16 month old daughter. If you have been on this cruise or to these ports I am looking for suggestions on excursions that were awsome! Or suggestions on which ports we should plan an excursion and which ports we should just check out on our own. I am definately into walking the streets and shopping for some good deals!! Jewelry, purses, anything! :)

Help! Does anyone have any ideas to redo my bedroom?

make the headboard of your bed in front of your window and move your tv and dresser where your shelf is. Move your shelf where your tv and dresser were. Move the turtle tank where your bed was.

Why does katrina do this?

well not exactly poor people only but fat people or people who dont give appearance as much thought as she does. but they still have good hygeine. she always carries designer purses and always buys expensive clothes 26 and still lives with her parents they let her live there for free and she gets all her money she makes to spend wherever she wants and and her dad pays bills and food. she is very skinny bmi around im guessing 15 or maybe 14. she is always alone she doesnt smile much which makes us mad she has nothing to be upset about she is spoiled she has a attuide type she doesnt like to be tapped or touched and always seems aloof. but looks at others like their dirt unless they are seen in chanel or a outfit that she likes she wears chanel?

How many degrees should you earn to become a police or a security guard?

You might not need a degree depending on what agency you apply with. However, you should get a degree. You should get a 4 year degree. Having a 4 year college degree makes you much more attractive to employers, and it can raise your earning potential. Having a degree can also help you get promoted during your career as a police officer or security guard. Choose any accredited college or university that you like. Try to get the highest grade point average that you can. Many people that want to become police officers major in criminal justice. However, many people would suggest choosing a major other than criminal justice. There are many majors that are good for police and security work. Business, communications, computer science, sociology, and psychology are some examples. You don't become a police officer or security guard just because you finish college. You have to apply with an agency or department, and get hired. Most security guard jobs are easier to get than most police officer jobs. Requirements, including educational requirements vary depending on the state and the agency. How you become a police officer or security guard can also vary from one place to another.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jaguar and oscar in 55 gallon tank.?

I have a 12 inch oscar and a 5 inch jaguar in a 55 gallon tank soon getting a 75 gallon, and I do have plenty filteration but my jaguar is beating the crap out of my oscar he is really aggressive I have tried rearranging the decor thinking he was fighting over territory but he just does it for fun. So before he kills my oscar I think I'm gonna get him outta there but I wanna know what the most aggressive fish I could put in there that can hold its own I was thinking of a wolf fish but figure I would do research and ask some people any help would be great.

Crazy fashion question about Roberto Cavalli?

I was given a vintage purse and it says Borgo Cavalli is this a line from Roberto Cavalli it is made in Italy thanks so much for any help

Any student in UCL medical university in england? any infos?

well i'm a junior gonna be a senior and i'm intended to go to UCL medical (for dentistry school) in england.does anybody know anything about the addmissions? is it a great one? i will be an international student by the way.

Boyfriend says his relationship info just disappeared..?

Does this happen? .i'm assuming that he's lying so i'm about to break up with his *** .but he's pretty honest because we've been thru alot of stuff so he's been a better boyfriend .we've been toqether for over a year & our relationship has just started getting back right .so i don't think he wud do something dumb that he knows will piss me off .so does this happen with facebook relationship infos?

One side of my living room hotter than the other.?

Ugh. My room is EXACTLY the same way and it is AWFUL. Do you have any windows on one side of the room? Because that was the problem with mine. There was a hot draft coming in under the seal of the window. I rolled up a towel and stuck it under there and viola! problem solved. hope this helps! :)

Public urination ticket. When I called the court it wasn't there?

So this was years ago, I am from CA, went for a vacation in Chicago, bar was packed and I really needed to go, so a friend and I decided to pee hidden by the dumpsters, but then some patrol car caught me (yes just me lol) I was scared but they were nice, they checked my ID of course they saw that I live in CA, they gave me a ticket, and a date to appear in court, the ticket actually have a "mail in option" so since I live far far away I just wanna pay it and get it over it coz there's no way I am flying back to Chicago for that, but then I called them to find out the amount of fine, to my surprise they don't have any records of me lol, so I called again a week later and still no record? So I waited till that court date came, no mail that I missed it or whatsoever, I was thinking it was thrown out coz they don't wanna waste time from someone out of town? this happened like 3 years ago, I am asking this because I am soon having my interview for my US citizenship after being a permanent LEGAL resident for 6 years, and I dunno if I should mention this to the interviewer? I got a moving violation that was caught on camera (lol) and this if counted.. Please help, I appreciate any useful infos thanks a lot!

Undergraduate scholarship?

approach the MIT officer handling loans - they will direct u to the best org to ehlp with scholarships or loans. MIT gives out such things

Can a single person develop a top notch website?

Regarding dynamic websites, there are three options. PHP and Java (JSP in this case) both are free. The third option is .net (dot net), but it's not for free.

Do you like the style/color of my room?

Your room looks awesome. I think black carpeting is cool. But since you said no... how about yeloow? Maybe where the tv is.... switch it with the bed. That's what I do. Try a few different ideas.

Need a guys perspective, why did he lose interest and how to get it back?

How do I get him interested again and what went wrong? I've been casually dating someone for about six mounts. I haven't had sex with him yet. Were both pretty laid back and not very intimate (emotional wise). In the past he's been pursing me but recently he seams less interested; hasn't been talking to me, putting effort or trying to hang out. He hasn't been texting me, which is odd since we rarely go more then a day without talking and he's always the one to initiate the conversation. The change was pretty sudden and Im confused what turned him off or how to get him interested again. Lately he's been hitting me up to hook up more and I've been the one arranging our hang outs which have been pretty casual. The only reasons i can assumed that could have caused this is the fact i'm not into just hooking up, we haven't done anything exciting together recently, he perceived my asking to hang out as clingy, he's wrapped up with his friends right now or something he got to know about me turned him off (i can be somewhat insecure and ditzy but i try to hide it). What could have caused this and what are some good ways to gain his interest again? Sexy facebook pictures? Hang out with other guys? Ignore his texts (We communicate mostly over text but i'm not sure how to get his attention by doing this when he's rarely

Need a cute purse for school!!!?

I need a new purse for school it needs to be big enough to hold a binder but not huge. It needs to be fashionable no Vera Bradley, or backpacks, or any thing with huge brands all over it like Gila. Any ideas??

How to increase vocal range?

i need all the infos i can get :))) thank you in advance.. i tried researching but i wasn't satisfied.. please help =)

How do I convince my younger sister to trade me rooms?

You can't really blame her for not wanting to switch now when you didn't want to before. She's probably just decided to make the most of her small room. I understand that it makes sense to swap now though. Why not let her see how big it looks and talk about all the great sleepovers she could have and how much more entertaining she could do. Make sure it looks cosy still as she might not like the idea of an unwelcoming room. If you tell her that you want to change because it makes no sense for you to have the "better" room if you are never there, then she might believe that you are doing it for her too and won't be suspicious. After all, if the room is so great, why are you so keen to leave it! Explain that you have less stuff at home now so it would be better for her. Good luck!

What happened to my Olympus camera?

There are two black dots the same exact size on the viewing screen. I don't know what happened. It is always in my purse in case I see something that I want to take a picture of, and there are no liquids or anything in there. Once, there was a nail polish remover in there that I bought at a mall in there. It started leaking, but I took it out when I got home and I'm pretty sure I used the camera no problem right after that situation. The camera's brand new, I just got it about a month ago. Everything else works fine, I'm pretty sure, it's just the dots. Can anyone help me or tell me what the problem is?

Show that the lines 3x - 2y + 8 = 0 and 5x -3x/3y - 4 = 0 are parallel ? HELP!?

This is for my maths exam tomorrow and im stuck. i know that parallel lines have the same gradient/slope but the second equation is tricky as it involves 3x/3y. i dont know how to rearrange it to y = mx = c ??

Infos to move to Miami(usa) from Rome(Italy)?

Tourists cannot legally work in the U.S. And you will not likely find an illegal job other than picking fruit on a farm hundreds of miles from Miami. The only Visas that allow you to work must be applied for by the employer in advance and are restricted to certain skills and occupations. Now, if you have half a million dollars or so to INVEST in a restaurant there are certain visas restricted to investors that can be obtained.

Need help rearranging my schedule?

I may have just been hired at Jewel Osco and I don't want to make it seem like I don't care about work because I do, but I have plans this Saturday I've had for a week now. My parents are still trying to argue with me that I need to work and I would of course be grateful that I got a job but these plans are important to me (this job is actually part time). The hiring manager mentioned orientation but she didn't actually tell me that I'm hired, just that I have to call her in the middle of the week. What can I do to make both plans work? 10 points best answer. Thanks.

Are there any good rock concerts which still have tickets available in U.K. this summer during June and July?

I like coldplay, radiohead, Jessie J, Gorrilaz, and many other British bands. I really want to see one during my trip to the UK this summer, but I don't know which rock concert are worth going and if they still have ticket available. Please let me know if you have any infos on this. Thanks a lot!!

Anyone from Canada? (questions about high school)?

I live in B.C. and school here is nice I actually have a friend who is Filipinos and moved here in grade 6 and he made 7 friends in the first week. Also not much racism in B.C. not sure bout Toronto though.

Dresses, shoes, and purses for a Japanese themed sweet 16?

Look up Japanese street style. Basically, they dress crazy and mitchmatchy. Do you have a cute graphic tee with maybe a cartoon character? Then pair something like that with a colorful skirt, stockings, and heels :)

Wen will the new iphone be released ?

What new features are expected in the new iphone ? how can i get infos on this subject ? does apple offer an info ?

Opinions on these names?

Girl - Pick one from each catagory & put them together etc: "Alena Nicole" ;First names;Alena or Elena (Uh-Lay-Nuh or Eh-lay-nuh.) Middle names; Michelle, Genevieve, Nicole, or Elizabeth Boy: Pick two Just rearrange the names: Etc: Damon Alexander. ; Damon, Alexander, Ian I personally like the name Damon Alexander :) anyways. what sounds best in your opinion. :D. Any other suggestions is welcomed, but still pick from my short list please, & thank you. & btw, if anyone asks yes, inspiration for the names comes from The Vampire Diaries. :3

I want to ride roller coasters so bad but I can't!!!?

Okay, well me and a couple fellow highschoolers are going to an amusement park and I have a fear of roller coasters. There are a lot of cute girls and I don't want to have to be the designated purse holder for the day. I would actually like to ride some rides, but how do I do that! How do I get over this fear?

What's earth's gravity ?

Gravity is caused by mass. The more mass that a body possesses, the stronger it's gravitational pull. All objects create gravity, including you and me, it is just on a much smaller scale than a larger body such as Earth. But, size is not the only factor in creating mass, the density is important, too. A black hole, for instance, created by an imploding star, is not necessarily a large object, but will suck objects in and crush them that reach within a certain distance. That is because the star collapses into itself creating a super dense structure. So, in order to create the most gravity, the goal would be to create a very dense object, that which does not exist on Earth, and is beyond our current scientific capability.

Small bag or box with lock?

I'm looking for a small bag or small box with a lock. Something I can keep personal items like condoms, cigarettes, etc. in in my purse. Every makeup bag I find doesn't have 2 zippers that I could put a small lock through. Any suggestions?

What color and style purse should I get?

I want something cute, I usually wear skirts or dresses and some sort of heel. Any help would be appreciated!

Why is not letting me upload documents?

it takes an a while to load while the infos in it, and then it takes me to a page saying its an error and cant upload.

Where can I get a black cloth satchel?

Basically what stores to they sell black satchels that are made of cloth, not leather. Or even where can I get a purse thats not to big and not too small that's black or grey that you can adjust the strap to where it can be a shoulder bag or more like a satchel?

Probability Question?

Count the Number of ways the letters in the name "MISSISSIPPI" can be rearranged without repeats.

3 Week long period... Normal?

Glad that the bump is non cancerous! But a 2-3 week long period is not normal... True some of it might be from stress from moving. Of course this could jus be very dark and heavy discharge. If you are very concerned I would suggest seeing a doctor.

Is santa really satan honest opinion?

iv been thinking. where did santa come from? what does he have anything to do with Jesus?lying to your children leading them to believe in this man. iv noticed that if you rearrange Santa's name what do you get?satan. is lying Jesus like?

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Any FEASIBLE ideas for wreaking some vengeance?

This coworker of mine is sleeping with our married boss. When I found out she was stealing my prescription medicine out of my purse she used her and my boss' affair to get ME fired. Any awesome ideas for revenge that I can actually execute without getting arrested? I would just tell his wife about it, but since I was just fired I wouldn't sound very credible. I don't have the money or time to try and do the court thing either, so I don't think I really have any other legal options.

Help with windows folder organization?

I'm trying to organize pictures in chronological order that I scanned in so view>sort by>date taken won't work. I have them lined up, but because of the names, they always rearrange. Could someone help me out?

Leh plans in july end... need help in planning...?

Happy journey. I will not suggest you to travel by bikes from Manali to Leh or Srinagar. It is very tough route. However, if you have decided to travel by this means only then it is better to contact the Tourism Department (Manali), they can help you. Please read maps also. In Leh and Srinagar also you can contact Tourism Department. Since all the three places have big tourist inflow therefore the Tourism Departments at these places are working efficiently, though Manali and Leh-Srinagar are from two different States.

What website to order from?

I'm going to open a booth in a shop and i'm wanting to sell things like those GENEVA brand jelly watches that come in lots of colors, purses and the cheap sunglasses. I went to a cute shop resently and thats what they had and i thought it was a really good idea. Only problem is I have no clue where to order that type of stuff...Can someone help me out? Thanks!

Is it right for my dad to check my bank account?

well considering that you are 19, unless he is on the account, he shouldnt be able to check into your account! if you dont want him looking into your buisiness open a new one, transfer the money into that one, and he wont be able to see anything anymore..

Is there a FREE recorder of deeds search for properties in Lake County, IL?

I've tried then one at, but it's not free. I need the warranty deed with infos of document id, date of sale, grantor and grantees

What store sells camouflage purses?

I really want a pink camouflage purse but I have no idea where they are. I want to find a store in Lumberton, NC or somewhere close to there.. Maybe Fayettiville, NC. Please help me out. A website I could go to and look at the purses would really help. Thanks(:

A question about condoms?

You shouldn't buy it. Guys can be different sizes. And you might buy a different size then the guy is that you would hook up with. And I don't think its slutty. Better safe, then sorry.

Vintage Online Shopping ??? Where?

Does anyone knows a good vintage store which sells online ? I am looking for luxury and normal affortable vintage clothes and accesoires such as purses, etc.

How to sell ebook on blogger?

I would like to sell my ebook on my blog, so I need some infos on that. I can't use PayPal, but Alertpay should work for me. Does anyone know procedure?

Does guinea pig smells bad ?

i want to know more about the pigs... anibody has more basics and good infos bout it, i rele want it but i dont want to buy it and then be mad or upset wit it, i have been wanting one for long time and now i just made my mind for one lol...thnks

How to make a name sound famous?

I want to make my name sound like it belongs in Hollywood. My First name is Austin Middle Name: Joseph and Last Name: Trynosky, is there anyway to rearrange, or tweak my name to make it sound like a celebrity? It would help a lot!! Anything will do! Thanks!

What's the difference between 2011 Chevy Malibu and 2011 Chevy Volt ?

Everything is different between those two cars. The only things that the have in common are that they are both Chevys, have four wheels and four doors. The Volt is a plug in EV and the Malibu is a standard gas engine vehicle. They have different frames, suspensions, engines, transmissions, interiors, exteriors..... EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT!

Best type of purse for a 13 year old?

I don't want to even look like I'm trying to be older, because I'm not. What designers are affordable($25-$50) that are still young and fresh? Possibly Vera Bradley? Does it look old ladyish? I'd prefer a crossbody. Thanks.

Can you tell me if my idea for an invention would work or not or maybe how to make it work?

You are on the edge of creation to take molecules out of the air you have certain atoms that cannot be made into something it does not have. You would need solid attributed atoms to make a solid hydrogen and oxygen cannot make steel but there is pollution and other chemicals in the air you can use. But the amount in the atmosphere is very small compared to creating something solid. You would need to have the required building materials to do that and have a machine to break each molecule into atoms then rebuild into what you require. It would be very exspenisive and would require you had more materials than were available in the atmosphere. It's a great Idea and I hope you look into it more I would love to see that machine in action. Goodluck!

I made my own p90x workout,do you think it sounds good????

You're overworking muscle groups. You don't build muscle during the workouts, you build muscle during the rest periods. Also you should avoid Ab Ripper X. It should be called Low Back Ripper X. Look into abdominal bracing and spinal stability exercises.

Are Coach purses made in china?

I have 2 coach purses, 1 I bought at a coach store and the other one was a gift but it looks completely authentic, came in the big coach box with the tags and the panphlets, etc... but I noticed it says "made in china". I'm just wondering where they make them. Doesn't make a difference, I like both my purses. Just wondering. . . Thanks.

Inlove with a Stranger HELP PLEASE!?

She's shy. Just contact her first and make her feel special. Slowly get her to open up by asking her questions about herself, and if she's hesitant, don't push it.

Trying to find a good music editing program?

All I need to be able to do on it is to rearrange music files, split them out and cut parts I don't need, and be able to save the ending result as a music file. If anyone knows what program I should look into downloading please let me know!

Should i go to school business enterprise day?

I really do not want to go to school tomorrow due to staying up until 4.00 last night to rearrange the furniture with my parents (don't ask), i then woke up at 2.00 in the afternoon and i went to my aunties house and had to just practically babysit her kid while she was cooking,tomorrow is this business enterprise thing and i don't want to go, i don't care about Business and all you do all day is just do a presentational thing, i also have a an essay to complete for school on tuesday, should i go or will i regret it? my dad says i can take the day of tomorrow because you don't have lessons all day, i feel sick already with a headache as well

How do dems keep blaming Bush when they have had control of congress for 5 years?

Isn't the congress the ones who control the purse strings come on dems this is really getting irritating and sickening to hear this day in and day out take responsibility man up and admit your party is a total failure. So now I would like to hear you tell me why the dems are not responsible after controlling the purse strings for 5 years?

New Jersey vs. T.L.O case?

Read the Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Using the words of the Amendment, try to make an argument that the search of T.L.O.'s purse was a violation of her Fourth Amendment rights.

What kind of bags/purses are in this year?

I don't like to carry around a lot of stuff, are small, cross-body bags still fashionable for a 18 year old girl? or are they too old ladyish? I want a new poppy metallic signature swingpack from coach, but are they trendy?

!! Menstraul period lasting 2 months ?

The ten day pills you were given was probably progesterone. However what's happening to you now is not normal. Make an appointment with your OBGYN. You need to get looked at.

I have a pregnant rat and need to know if she is in labor.?

My rat is around 3-4 months old. I have been caring for small animals for years and just got this lil baby at a pet store and I know she is pregnant but I've only had males up till now so not sure if she is in labor. She has started to stretch out her legs, rearrange her housing, and constantly groom herself. There's been no blood though so I'm not sure if shes just preparing or having complications. I welcome any help at all. Also keep in mind I wouldn't be able to get to my small animal vet till Thursday.

I'm So Confused With Guys?

so i bump into this guy that i've had a crush on for years.. well he is 21 now and i'm 19 so he asked for my number and asked me out :) well the date lasted for 4 days had fun hanging with his friends etc and so we started dating and he said we was together so this lasted for a week so the weeked hits and i packed a bag to stay over for a couple days friday went great ! so saturday hits and everything seems fine so he went to go pick up a truck with a couple of his guys friends .. no big deal and he asked me if i wanted to go and i told i was gonna stay at the house and talk to his mom he kissed me goodbye and left .. a couple hours later he comes back kisses me and asked me if i wanted to go down to the tire shop and his mom and grandmother wanted me to make plans to go on a trip with em so he leaves to the tire shop with his buddies ..... so he comes back and acts like i'm not even in the room and he pulls his dad in the room and he said to me when u wanna go home i said when ever i guess so he told me to go out to eat with his mom and dad ... so his dad told me that ryan told him that he really likes me but dont know if this relationship is going to work out cause we have nothing in commin etc so he calls his dad on the phone and his dad put it on speacker and i hear ryan say make sure i get my purse and bag out of his house so i take from what his mom and dad has told me that he dont want me around anymore so we come back to the house and he is all dressed up face shaved hair done lookin nice and he told me he was going to lowes that has closed 2 hours ago and so i had my grandmother pick me up and take me home and before i left his dad broke up with me ( weird i know ) So my grandmother picks me up and i texted him to lose my number and he replys whoo ok then look can we be friends atleast .. then he calls and says i was going to drop u off so i told dont sweat it im already home so he texts me hey im sorry ... so im really confused if he even liked me and what did i do wrong

Cause of different views on girls/guys & sex between America and other countries?

I don't think that a lot of the stuff you are saying is true. I am 19 and a virgin (male) and waiting until I am married. I think that most people these days (men and women) are sluts and have no morals/self control. It's pretty sad actually.

People who work at the Box Office at a AMC theater?

I just got hired at the amc movie theater where I live around and I have training today, and the next two day for the box office. This is my first job and I just wanted to know any tips about working in the box office. Also not sounding crazy but woulf we have somewhere to put our stuff like sweaters and purses and what not? So any advice is helpful and thanks if you can help(:

How should I get guardianship of my nephew?

Yadda, yadda, yadda! The answer is no. You live in another state, your state will not allow him to get welfare, your insurance will not allow him on your policy, you and your mother are into pipe dreams not reality, he is a danger to your sister and his sibling, what he needs is a mental health placement not bleeding heart relatives who have no real idea of what his problems are nor the real resources to help him in any meaningful way. If there is a mental health facility designed for children in his state of residence then try to get him accepted there and help with the costs. He has a history of medication for disfunctional behavior and I am willing to bet he refuses to take his meds now which is more than half of his problem. If the best his home state has to offer is foster care that is too bad but cannot be helped. It is a tragedy but then I suspect so was his conception to a co-dependent mother and an abusive father.

What Salon does the best digial perm in Manila, Philippines?

I have tried Tony And Jackey (a href="" rel="nofollow" and my curls turned out well. Just tell the Korean stylist the details of what kind of curls you like (ex: short, medium or large curls). My friends also recommended Beauty Brick Makati (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a because they offer great perms just like what the Koreans have (not so curly, large curls.)

Which computer should I get?

Ok, well I was at best buy. The other day I got a advertisment in the mail and it had a switch lid dell with 4gb ram and 500 gbs! So, i went to get it. THe one I saw was 15.4inches and the one at best buy was 14". So, I was sad. I was going to get it till my friend said to get the toshiba that was there. It was $20 less and had 6gb ram and 650gb's of memory. The only thing was I didn't like the texture or the color and that was the only ones they had. On my old dell laptop I had this really cool program call dell webcam central. All I really like to do on the computer is video chat with my friends, and it would always be fun to rearrange my face and make myself look crazy and also make my voice so funny. So I'm having a REALLY tough decision about which one to get and I'm thinking Toshiba but my heart is saying "dell" ( I really love dells) So what do you think. BTW the toshiba's webcam is ok :/ but the dell's is better!

Definite integrals with Trig and compound angles?

If you miss your next period take a pregnancy test. The best time to take it is with the very first urine in the morning.Your hormones will be higher. Good luck.

Why does Somalia doesn't have a functioning government?

Uhm. so, I'm having an informative speech about Somalia and I need informations.. I need 3 or more infos to support the statement, "Somalia doesn't have a functioning central government." Thanks!! I need it ASAP (As Soon As Possible). :D

Friday, July 15, 2011

How can I decorate my small bedroom with big furniture's?

keep your room REALLY tidy cuz clutter makes it look 10 times smaller, uhhh... try not to put to much stuff on your walls, but do put SOME stuff, andddddddd try to generally keep the same color flowing throughout the room, but not just like ONE color, unless its white. and its not "furniture's." seriously??

Where can I buy the Andy Warhol dollar bill duffel bag?

I would like to purchase this bag, and I was wondering where I could get it. It is a small duffel bag purse and looks like a dollar bill. Thanks

Where can I find this purse?

I saw a purse on True Jackson VP (the remote was gone and it was stuck on nickelodeon okay?). It was the episode where Ryan starts his rash museum and True and Lulu try to get Mr.Maddigan and his wife to make up after they have a fight about how attractive theyre co-workers are. It was grayish blue with studs on it. Does anyone know where I could buy it?

Please help me with rearranging formula?

Just remember that whatever happens to one side of the equation HAS to happen to the other. so for this you want to get rid of the "d" one one side, so you minus "d" on the X side, therefore you need to minus "d" also on the other resulting in X=f-d

Why does the sole of rubber shoes breaks down after not being used for a long time?

Why does the sole of rubber shoes breaks down after not being used for a long time? Any infos would be great...

How can I grow taller?

Well your pretty much almost done with puberty. Its still possible though, depends on how tall your mom and dad is.

Meaning of Tattoo Dream?

I had a dream last night that I was caught out in the rain, and when I went inside to change, I took off my shirt and found that my tattoo was bleeding ink. I dabbed the water and ink off, but I found that it had totally bled out a portion of the tattoo. I looked in the mirror and it changed from being partially gone to being totally mixed up like a Picasso painting. It changed this way several times, going from almost gone to totally rearranged. The actual tattoo I have is a black heart with a single eye crying blood right on my sternum. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out my dreams, but lately they've been very odd and I'd really appreciate some help on this one

Can i really get in trouble?

aight so me and two friends decided to take whoppers (yummy) and eggs and this car drives by and we throw a whopper.the guys ran,i didnt cuz i thot id be fine,but he comes up,starts cussing at me,tries to take my pic,and then almost hit me and took my purse :/ well i called the cops reporting that he took it and they come up and then they found the guy,and they like "oh well u were throwing **** at the car so we're guna charge you for lying and destruction" i didnt even throw anything i just held it !but yeah can they actually do anything? ://

Bird escaped from cage still lurking around plz help?

i would like to know some options on how to catch my lost bird, he keeps lurking around the cage as the other birds are in there and when i get close he flys away please give me some soloutions tips/infos on how catch my bird thanks.

My Wii won't show up on my television.?

What used to happen is, I would turn my Wii on, then turn my television on and go down a channel and the Wii screen would show up. I recently rearranged my room and my television is in a different spot as well as my Wii. Now when I turn my Wii and television on, I go down a channel and it goes to channel 98 and it's just a gray blurry screen. I have AT&T U-verse cable, so there is a remote to that, but my actual television doesn't have its own remote. When I went down a channel, I just had to do it manually. I am missing my Wii manual and my television manual. My television is one of the older ones with the big box on the back, not a flat screen. Can someone please help?

What bag should i get for highschool?

i'm starting highschool in august and i dont really know what bag to use i heard totes are really cool but my mom just got me a purse do you think that wud be ok? it's kinda like a bowler bag but still pretty cute

About WIKIA articles copyright?

If I take an entire article from WIKIA with informations, script especially and I post it on my site, translating the infos into my language, is this a problem? the scripts from WIKIA are copyrighted or smth or there is a way they could close my site?

Are there any good rock concerts which still have tickets available in U.K. this summer during June and July?

I like coldplay, radiohead, Jessie J, Gorrilaz, and many other British bands. I really want to see one during my trip to the UK this summer, but I don't know which rock concert are worth going and if they still have ticket available. Please let me know if you have any infos on this. Thanks a lot!!

Can one cockroach lay eggs in a day?

I just founded a cockroach in my room yesterday , as i was trying to kill it. it got away, I took some pest control sprays and sprayed all the corners of my doors / walls and cracks. The next day i saw it wandering near my couch. I used my slippers can killed it, I've been seeing infos about how cockroachs can lay 100 eggs ! i'm not quite sure if it layed eggs before i killed it. :/ Is it possible for a cockroach to lay eggs in just a day?

Dont like purses?????????

Hi Im 13 years old and I Just got the Iphone. My mom is MAKING me carry it in some sort of bag, because its glass and all and because i am a klutz and I will probably drop it. Do you know like a small tote bag? Like its open and stuff and its not this little ugly mini purse type thing?? (me and the guy I like are hanging out nd if I wanna bring my phone with me, i have to carry it in a bag and I don't want it to be embarrassing, especially around him!!) thankss!

So many questions can't be answered, or can they?

I understand what you are trying to convey here but it is difficult to put into words because it is based on the billions of bits of information we all receive daily and to put it into one abstraction is a daunting challenge.

What's wrong with me?

I feel like I'm going crazy and don't know if I've got OCD or just anxiety or even both. I get so worked up and worry what everyone is thinking about me all the time and when there's stress in my job I feel like I can't breathe and the only way through it is to cut myself. I used to be a cutter when I was 14/15 but got therapy for a few months and stopped cutting until last year after I turned 20. Now I'm cutting on a more frequent basis because I feel like I'm not good enough and can't control these negative thoughts in my mind all the time. I'm also not sure if I have OCD or not...whenever I go driving I get home and have to turn around and re-drive the same route over and over to make sure I made no mistakes on the way. If I make the smallest mistake I have to go back and re drive over where I made it as a way to make up for it. Like if I drive over the same route again it's going to be okay. Today it should have taken me 5 minutes to get home, instead it took me almost an hour because I kept redriving over and over where I had been the first time to make sure I hadn't slipped up. Whenever I lock the doors of the house I have to check them atleast 3 times and then I walk away and have to walk back and check just one more time. I turn my hair straigtener off and it plays on my mind until I've checked so much that it's the point where I unplug it and then have to physically touch the plug to make sure I'm not just imagining that it is unplugged. With my car you can see the lights are off from the outside of the car but I always have to actually get back into my car and touch the settings to make sure for real that they are off, not just by looking at them. I have to have my magazines and books absolutely flat and in a particular order all the time, I can't stand it when someone slightly bends the cover of something or rearranges them....Ahh what is wrong with me?

Help me out about university?

where can i see the requirements of Yale University? please tell me the web sites.. i need a detailed information.. and can you tell me the site with the infos about how much do i have to pay there for 2 years in magistracy (for masters degree)

I broke up 8 mths back,due to a 3rd person.since den we did not keep in touch in anyway.?

But yday I called him n he did attend my call.he apologised 4 his attitude.we had a long chat,he was talkin bout our past(d good moments).and he did tell me some infos dat he gathered about me in dis 8 mth.he claimed dat he always wanted to speak to me but afraid I won't entertain n he did admit calling me few times n just kept quiet.apart from dat we been making fun of each other.I was ok but now I dun wan to have playful conversation.wat can b in his mind?he called me few times today..

Can you give the Romaji translation to these Japanese names: 土橋楓, 日置美夢, 長友さやか, 藤井夏恋, 有磯実結, 鈴木結莉乃 and 杉枝真結?

I am a fan of the new Japanese dance unit: Happiness, but because they are new there aren't many infos about them. I wanna know the Romaji translation of their real names and I don't really know Japanese so please help! Thank you!