Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What do he want with me?

So a guy I was dating 4 a while tells me we r going 2 get no where, let's just b friends! So I said ok! That's fine!!! It took me a while 2 get over it but I did! A couple of months ago, I saw him again n we started going 2 lunch but then we stopped! He was getting n2 a relationship n so was I. N da end nothing happend with my relationship! On Christmas day, he sent me a txt merry Christmas n on new yrs day he sent happy new yr n startd asking all these questions bout my cultural gatherings, where I can potentially meet guys. I didn't give him any infos but then since then he's been txtn! This past sat he txtd @ 12 midnight asking wat I was doing n it so happen we had a party so he askd wat I cook n all! I told him n he wantd me 2 take him some @ 2am as our convos lasts dat long! I rejectd of course!!! So da nxt day he txt @ 2pm asking wat I cook n I told him I'm no chef ok!!!! Then later on dat night he txt saying he saw his 1st love!!! I laughd it off n he txt a couple of things! Then he startd saying that he knows I miss him n I told him he's been replaced!!!! What was he thinking??? Y did he say dat???? Jerk totally broke my heart!!!!

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