Thursday, July 21, 2011

My employer didn't except my 2 weeks notice. Can I still collect unemployment?

I was on second shift for 8 months. I was a lead of 2 production assembly lines, with 30 people under my supervision. I am a single mother of a 15 year old son. So with that being said, I needed to get back on first shift to get a handle on the "situation" in my home. I had asked both of my superintendents (1st and 2nd shift) about getting back on 1st and they blew me off for 3 months. The problems were getting worse at home so I went to my H.R. and put in a request on paper to come to first. That day my 1st shift superintendent got fired. I also had been hearing rumors that a employee I had trained was going to be a supervisor. I asked H.R. about the rumor and was assured it wasn't true. I explained to H.R. the problems that I would have if it were true. #1 that I trained him. #2 that I had more seniority than him. #3 that no one on the assembly lines would respect me or my decisions when someone with so little time and experience would be my superior. Again I was assured that it was clearly a rumor. Being very nervous about the switch and the rumor, the next day I approached my other 1st shift superintendent and explained word for word what I had said to H.R. He told me that the gentlemen in question would be a lead for another area in factory. I said OK and made the switch the following Monday. That Monday I asked the gentlemen about the rumors that were being said and ask him if they were true. He said yes that he is supervisor. The next day I approached my Plant Manager about the situation and repeated my problems to him and his response was that I asked the wrong people. I replied with "my superintendent and H.R. are the wrong people?" he had no response. I in turn asked him if he could take away my lead pay and put me somewhere else in factory or on a machine? He told me that he couldn't rearrange people on the account of me. He told me to go to H.R. and give her my 2 weeks notice. I walked in and told her the issue and she told me that she wouldn't except my 2 weeks and she will "end it now" she walked me to my locker and then out the door.

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